Converting Existing React Application to Electron Desktop Application
Assuming at the start, you already have a React Application in a working condition and you have already deployed that application somewhere like firebase or vercel or netlify.
Now Starting with Installations:
Install following packages:
1- “npm i electron-builder”
2- “npm i electron”
Edit your package.json file like the following:

Add this at the beginning of the package.json file

add build and add the following scripts in “Scripts”

after adding the following packages your dev-dep should have these
Now inside the Public folder on the root , create an entry file for electron, we are naming it as Electron.js, you can name it as you like as far as you make sure it’s the same in package.json.
Paste the following code in electron.js

Starting the development server:
Now we are all set to get started with electron
run the following commands
1- yarn start
2- yarn electron
Releasing the Production Build:
run the command
yarn dist
yarn dist-all (when on mac and want build of windows OS as well as MAC OS)