JavaScript and Asynchronous Programming

JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language, which means it can only process one task at a time. However, it provides a way to perform non-blocking, asynchronous operations through the use of callback functions, promises, and async/await.
Asynchronous programming in JavaScript allows the language to perform multiple operations at the same time, rather than waiting for one operation to complete before starting the next. This is important because it allows for a responsive and smooth user experience, as well as efficient use of resources. Without it, a website or application would freeze or become unresponsive while a long-running task is being executed.
JavaScript uses an event loop, a mechanism that monitors a message queue, also known as the callback queue. The event loop starts when the JavaScript runtime is initialized and continues running until the program exits. It has two main components: the call stack and the callback queue. The call stack is a data structure that stores the execution context of the program, including the current function and the variables in that scope. The callback queue is a queue of messages or tasks that need to be executed. These tasks are typically callbacks that are invoked as a result of an asynchronous event, such as a user input or an HTTP request.
Callback functions, promises, and async/await are the three ways of handling asynchronous operations in JavaScript. Callback functions are the oldest and most basic way but can lead to callback hell, a phenomenon where the code becomes difficult to read and manage due to a large number of nested callbacks. Promises were introduced to address this problem and provide a more structured approach to working with async code. Async/await, introduced in ECMAScript 2017, is a more recent addition and builds on top of promises to provide an even more intuitive and readable way of writing async code.
Introduction to Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript:
Asynchronous programming in JavaScript refers to the ability for the language to perform multiple operations at the same time, rather than waiting for one operation to complete before starting the next. This is achieved through the use of callbacks, promises, and async/await.
JavaScript is single-threaded, meaning it can only process one task at a time. However, it can make use of asynchronous code to perform long-running tasks without freezing the browser or the JavaScript runtime. For example, when a script makes an HTTP request, it doesn’t wait for the request to complete before continuing to execute the rest of the code. Instead, it sends the request and moves on, and a callback function is called when the request completes.
Asynchronous programming is important in JavaScript because it allows for a responsive and smooth user experience, as well as efficient use of resources. Without it, a website or application would freeze or become unresponsive while a long-running task is being executed.
Overall, Asynchronous programming is a powerful feature of JavaScript that allows you to perform multiple tasks at the same time, and make your application responsive, efficient, and smooth
JavaScript Event Loop and Callback Queue:
The JavaScript Event Loop is a mechanism that allows JavaScript to perform non-blocking, asynchronous operations by continually monitoring a message queue, also known as the callback queue.
The event loop starts when the JavaScript runtime is initialized and continues running until the program exits. It has two main components: the call stack and the callback queue.
The call stack is a data structure that stores the execution context of the program, including the current function and the variables in that scope. Each time a function is called, an execution context is added to the top of the stack. When the function returns, its execution context is removed from the top of the stack.
The callback queue, also known as the message queue, is a queue of messages or tasks that need to be executed. These tasks are typically callbacks that are invoked as a result of an asynchronous event, such as a user input or an HTTP request.
The event loop continuously checks the call stack to see if it is empty. If the call stack is empty, it takes the first task from the callback queue and pushes its execution context onto the call stack. Once the task is finished executing, its execution context is removed from the call stack, and the event loop repeats this process
Promises in JavaScript:
Promises in JavaScript are a way to handle asynchronous operations and provide a more structured approach to working with async code. They are used to represent the eventual outcome of an asynchronous operation, whether it succeeds or fails.
A promise is an object that has a then
method, which takes two callback functions as arguments: one for handling a successful result (resolve) and one for handling an error (reject). Once a promise is created, it is in a "pending" state, meaning it has not yet been fulfilled (resolved) or rejected.
Here is an example of using a promise:

In this example, a promise is created that will resolve with the string “Hello, World!” after a delay of one second. The then
method is used to attach callbacks for the resolved and rejected states.
Promises also have methods such as catch
and finally
to handle errors and execute code regardless of the outcome of the promise.
Promise also can be chained together, this allows for a more structured way of handling asynchronous code, and make it more readable.
Promises are widely used in JavaScript libraries and frameworks and are becoming a standard way of handling asynchronous operations in the JavaScript ecosystem.
Async/Await in JavaScript:
Async/await is a more recent addition to JavaScript that provides an intuitive and readable way of writing asynchronous code. It is built on top of promises and allows developers to write asynchronous code in a synchronous-like style.
An asynchronous function is declared with the async
keyword, and it can contain one or more await
expressions. The await
keyword is used to pause the execution of the function until a promise is resolved. The value of the resolved promise is then returned.
Here’s an example of an asynchronous function that uses the await
keyword to wait for a promise to resolve:

In this example, the fetchData
function uses the fetch
API to make an HTTP request to an API endpoint. The await
keyword is used to pause the execution of the function until the promise returned by fetch
is resolved. Once the promise is resolved, the response.json()
method is called, which returns a new promise that is awaited as well. Once this promise is resolved, the data is returned.
It is also important to note that async
function returns a promise and we need to call the .then() method on the function which has been declared as async.
Async/await is particularly useful in cases where you need to perform multiple asynchronous operations in a specific order, for example when chaining multiple API calls. It makes the code more readable, reduces the risk of callback hell, and eliminates the need for promise chaining.
Overall, async/await
is a powerful feature of JavaScript that allows for writing asynchronous code in a more intuitive and readable way. It simplifies the way developers handle async operations and provides a more structured approach to working with async code.
Comparing Promises and async/await:
Promises and async/await are both ways of handling asynchronous code in JavaScript, but they have some key differences in terms of syntax and functionality.
Promises are a way to handle asynchronous operations by providing a standard API for registering callbacks, chaining multiple asynchronous operations, and handling errors. A promise is an object that represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. A promise can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected. Once a promise is fulfilled or rejected, it cannot change its state.
Both Promises and async/await provide a way to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript, but they have different syntax and functionality. Promises are more low-level and require the use of callbacks and chaining, while async/await provides a more intuitive and readable way to write asynchronous code and handle errors.
In conclusion, JavaScript is a powerful and versatile programming language that is widely used for both client-side and server-side programming. Asynchronous programming is an important concept in JavaScript, as it allows the language to handle multiple tasks at the same time, such as user input, network requests, and timers.
Promises and async/await are two ways of handling asynchronous code in JavaScript. Promises provide a standard API for registering callbacks, chaining multiple asynchronous operations, and handling errors. Async/await, on the other hand, provides a more intuitive and readable way of writing asynchronous code. It is built on top of promises and allows developers to write asynchronous code in a synchronous-like style.
Both Promises and async/await have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on the specific use case and the developer’s personal preference. Understanding the concepts and features of both Promises and async/await is essential for building efficient and robust JavaScript applications.
Connect with me:
Ahmad Mustafeen,
Software Engineer at Geeks of Kolachi